The Creative Brief is a blog series designed to showcase the unique creative style of our partners, employees, and colleagues.


Name: Megan Tracy

Company name: Graphic Details, Inc.

Title: Graphic Designer

  1. What does the term “creativity” mean to you?

    To me, it means opening your mind and pushing your skills to come to a distinctive solution. Often putting aside your own personal preferences to do so. As well as not being afraid to push boundaries and move outside the “norms” to achieve something that excites you and can bring a little life to the mundane. 
  2. You have a sibling that has also studied graphic design. Do you share ideas and trends or collaborate together in any way?

    Oddly enough, we don’t talk about graphic design too much. We do, however, have a new crocheting obsession. We’ve gotten into a habit of sending pictures of project updates to each other or sharing fun pattern ideas. Because we’re both attached to our computers and phones so often, we’re always searching for hands-on ways to get creative that don’t involve screens. It’s been such a fun, low-pressure hobby to jump into.
  3. You love being outdoors. Are there specific places that inspire you? How does it motivate you to consider different perspectives? 

    Getting outside is one of the few times I can enjoy true peace and quiet. No podcasts, no music, just nature sounds. It gives me the space to think things through with no distractions while getting a visual break from staring at project artboards all day. I use these walks and runs in nature to keep my mental health in check, which allows me to free up space in my little noggin for more creativity and connection with others. This time away from a project will often help me take a breath, clear my head, and return to the project with an open mind, new perspective, and fresh ideas.
  4. How do you overcome creative blocks?

    Whenever I have a creative block, I step away from the project for a few hours or a full day if I have the time. I make time to get outside, get fresh air, and clear my mind. If that doesn’t help, I love to talk through projects with others (especially on the GD team!). This outside perspective on any creative brief can often spark new ideas and continue to bring some momentum back to the project. It’s the beauty of working on such a collaborative team!
  5. How do you avoid getting burnt out on creativity when you work full time in a creative environment?

    I can’t lie, it’s very tough. During the work day, I appreciate the ability to project hop. Changing project subjects or project types helps reduce the pressure of trying to find the perfect solution to a project when I’m having a mental block.

    Working from home during COVID got me into a bad habit of trying to work and brainstorm from the moment I woke up until I went to bed each night. Project hopping wasn’t solving the burnout anymore. I realized I had to force myself to have a hard stop at the end of my work day. Aside from that, collecting hobbies that are not graphic-design-related helped, even if they were creative. My favorite outlets to help with burnout are getting outside, crocheting, reading, cooking, and yoga, but I’m always looking to learn something new.

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