As of July 1, 2023, all standard Universal Analytics properties ceased processing new data, with Google Analytics 4 (GA4) now serving as the primary data generator. It is crucial to note that access to your Universal Analytics property data will no longer be available after July 1, 2024. Given the significance of your historical data, we highly recommend exporting your Universal Analytics reports.

To simplify this process, we’ve outlined a straightforward method for exporting some of the most frequently used reports. However, any data that is of interest to you can be exported, including ads and social reporting, e-commerce, and demographics.

  • In your Google Analytics account, click on the Universal Analytics property. (Hint…it’s the one that starts with “UA- followed by a string of numbers.)
  • Navigate the left bar to find the data sets listed at the bottom of this post.
  • Click on one and then, on the right, change the date to a full year (or your preferred date range).
  • Click Export  > Google Sheets (or, PDF, Excel or CSV file if you prefer).
  • We suggest you set up a separate Google worksheet (tab) for each of the 5 metrics below, and include 3-5 years of metrics in the tab.
  • Do the same for any other metrics that you frequently review.
  1. Audience  > Overview
  2. Acquisition > All Traffic / Source Medium
  3. Acquisition > All Traffic / Referrals
  4. Audience > Geo > Location
  5. Behavior > Site Content >  All pages
  6. Behavior > Site Content >  Content Drilldown

It’s that easy! If your account is also set up to track conversions, be sure to include those in your reports. They can be found under Conversions > Goals.

If you have questions about generating reports, please drop us a line!

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