Services Branding & Identity

Branding & Logo Design Packages

Your Brand Is More Than Just a Logo, It’s How People Understand and Interact With Your Business

Our expertise in branding includes conducting audits, devising fresh visual identity campaigns, rebranding initiatives, refreshing brand elements, and creating digital brand guidelines. We can help make your brand radder than a skateboarding monster truck.

Brand Audit

Unify Your Brand With a Brand Audit and Connect With Your Audience.

Brand unification fuels audience growth and understanding. It doesn’t just define the essence of your business — it’s more intentional than that. Brand unification is achieved through a cohesive representation of the visual and verbal components of your unique identity. When your brand is unified, your audience connects to it on a personal level, distancing you from your competition.

During our brand audit, we’ll assess your sales and marketing strategy, brand marks, and collateral to identify gaps or inconsistencies and determine new opportunities for advancement.

Logo Design

Does Your Logo Reflect Your Forward-Thinking Approach to Business? Or Is it Stuck in The Past?

If your logo doesn’t work well in today’s multimedia marketplace, it’s time to think about a rebrand. We’ll help you every step along the way so you can have a logo that not only differentiates your business but reflects your values.

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  • Fessenden logo process, image 2
  • Fessenden logo process, image 3
  • Fessenden logo process, image 4
  • Fessenden logo process, image 5
Online Brand Guidelines

Keep Your Identity Consistent and Your Brand Guidelines at Your Fingertips

Your shiny new logo isn’t going to help your business if it’s not being used properly! Failure to properly distribute the details of your identity, as well as the inability to oversee it’s use over time, are common pitfalls of rebranding. We take our brand guidelines a step further than the traditional printed manual or PDF. By putting your entire brand identity online, your suite of logos, typefaces, colors, and even messaging is only a click away. Our online guidelines feature downloadable logo assets in various formats for both print and web. No more searching folders on your computer or server for the right file!

Let's Work Together

Ready to get rad with your brand?

Drop Us a Line